Dr. Maxine Kaye
Daily Inspiration --- November 18, 2019
To what do you tend to listen each day: local, national, and global news? Family, friends, and co-workers? Perhaps that “still, small voice” within upon which we can always rely? Although we wish to be informed of occurrences in our world, aware of what the dear people in our lives are desiring to communicate, and able to discuss current events at gatherings, the external voices are not necessarily effective guides to wise choices. The inner instruction is always trustworthy, so it is the voice to respect and follow.
Neither the environmental cacophony nor the opinions of friends and strangers can compare to the rightness and power of our True Intuition, so let’s smile respectively with unwanted advice and stay true to the Wisdom within. It is empowering to realize that all the answers are accessible, and we can retrieve them at any time, right where we are. It is never necessary to travel to sacred sites or engage with seers to determine which direction to take, how to answer a challenge, or what is the best course of action in each circumstance.
Simply trusting the wisdom within allows us to relax into each day’s activities with a serene surrender to Something greater than we are, yet so available to us at all times. You may wish to use the following affirmation:
I turn from all outward noise and listen attentively to the sweet sounds of truth and guidance within me.
May your Monday be happy, and I’ll be with you again tomorrow.
Dr. Maxine Kaye © 2017